It was with great pleasure we were able to meet our Sensei and have a real class again!
Disassembling and rearranging was the lesson, Book 4 # 9, In two glass containers.
After separating the material into branches, leaves and flowers or fruit the real work began! Using line and mass, what a variety of work came from the imagination!
I used some branches from my coffee tree (I am not able to tell if it’s Arabica or Robusta! )The tree is about 10 years old now and has the most fruit I have seen on it! The “cherries”, rich red berries contain the beans! They have to be split open and soaked in water to ferment for several days, then dried, then a fine husk removed! Next roasting, then grinding and finally brewing! I haven’t got there yet!) How did people discover coffee with all those steps?